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Fire Suppression System Services And Maintenance

Update Terakhir
01 / 08 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Rp. 123
BITFIRE INDONESIA adalah Perusahaan Penyedia Barang, Jasa Konsultan dan Kontraktor di bidang Mekanikal Elektrikal Sistem, termasuk bidang Pencegahan Bahaya Kebakaran, Kesehatan & Keselamatan Kerja ( K-3) dan Sistem keamanan kerja. BITFIRE Indonesia menyediakan Produk dan Layanan unggulan yang dapat diterapkan untuk Industri Minyak dan Gas.

Detail Fire Suppression System Services And Maintenance

Many businesses purchase and install an FM-200 fire suppression system and think their business will be automatically protected from a fire emergency. Without maintaining and inspecting FM-200 systems, businesses may not realize their FM-200 fire suppression systems are not working until it is too late. Maintaining your FM-200 system is essential to ensuring your business is always protected from a fire emergency. Not only do we inspect your FM-200 system to check for and repair any current problems, but we also maintain your FM-200 fire suppression system to prevent future troubleshooting issues and confirm that your FM-200 system will always work in a fire emergency. If you are located in Indonesia, please contact Bitfire Indonesia. Whether you need an inspection, maintenance or repair, our fire protection company offers all the FM-200 system services you need to ensure your business is always protected from a fire emergency. service generator
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